Tutorial on installing the wrapper enabling use of WP Print Manager






1. Display after starting xwppmgr






2 Click "File" to open.




3. Click "Add" and scroll down to locate your printer, or its closest equivalent.




4. Highlight to select the printer; press "OK" and display selected printer.






5. With printer selected, next select printer destination; click "Setup."




6. Click "Destination" in the lowest field.




7. The window should display the installed printer. NOTE: a working printer must be set up in CUPS before running the WP8.1 printer installation.




8. Select (highlight) the installed printer.




9. Add -oraw in LPR Options field. NOTE: may or may not be needed; does not hurt to include.





10. Click "OK" and the selected printer and its destination should be displayed.




This completes the xwppmgr printer creation procedure.



 To print a document with it, select this printer and associated destination in the WP8.1


1. Click "Select."




2. Select and highlight the printer. and clck "OK."




3. A printer and associated destination will appear in the "Current Printer" window.




The file is now ready for printing.



This tutorial was kindly contributed by Leon Goldstein.

